Pope Leo XIII
- Inscrutabili Dei Consilio: On the Evils of Society—1878
- Arcanum: On Christian Marriage—1879
- Diuturnum: On the Origin of Civil Power—1881
- Immortale Dei: On the Christian Constitution of the States—1885
- Libertas Præstantissimum: On the Nature of Human Liberty—1888
- Euxunte Iam Anno: On the Right Ordering of Christian Life—1888
- Sapientiæ Christianæ: On Christians as Citizens—1890
- Rerum Novarum: On the Rights and Duties of Capital and Labor—1891
- Testem Benevolentiæ Nostræ: On Americanism—1899
- Graves de Communi Re: On Christian Democracy—1901
St. Pope Pius X
- Pascendi Dominici Gregis: On the Doctrine of the Modernists—1907
- Une Fois Encore: On the Separation of Church and State—1907
Pope Benedict XV
- Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum: Appealing for Peace—1914
- Quod Iam Diu: On the Future Peace Conference—1918
Pope Pius XI
- Casti Connubii: On Christian Marriage—1930
- Non Abbiamo Bisogno: Catholic Action in Italy—1931
- Nova Impendet: On the Current Economic Crisis—1931
- Quadragesimo Anno: Reconstruction of the Social Order—1931
- Acerba Animi: On the Persecution of the Church in Mexico—1932
- Dilectissima Nobis: On the Persecution of the Church in Spain—1933
- Divini Redemptoris: On Atheistic Communism—1937
- Mit Brennender Sorge:On the Church and the German Reich—1937
Pope Pius XII
- Summi Pontificatus: The Darkness Over the Earth—1939
- Anni Sacri: Combating Atheists—1940
- Communium Interpretes Doloraum: Interpreter of the Universal Anguish—1945
- Optatissima Pax: Longed-for-Peace—1947
- Summi Maeroris: With Deepest Sorrow—1950
- Ad Sinarum Gentem: On the Supranationality of the Church—1954
- Datis Nuperrime: Lamenting the Sorrowful Event in Hungary and Condemning the Ruthless Use of Force—1956
- Le Pelerinage de Lourdes: Against Materialism on the Centenary of the Apparitions at Lourdes—1957
- Ad Apostolorum Principis: At the Prince of the Apostles—1958
St. Pope John XXIII
Pope Paul VI
St. Pope John Paul II
- Laborem Exercens: On Human Work—1981
- Centesimus Annus: On the 100th Anniversary of Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum—1991
- Veritatis Splendor: The Splendor of Truth Regarding Certain Fundamental Questions of the Church’s Moral Teaching—1993
- Evangelium Vitæ: The Gospel of Life—1995
- Fides et Ratio: Faith and Reason—1998